Shaking Things Up
October 15, 2023
Ciao! I’m keeping this update short and sweet:
Studying is my life. School is hard! We are learning so much so quickly, and it is so interesting, but I feel like there’s not enough time in the day for me to absorb it all. Between Advances in Enology, Applied Statistics and Big Data Analytics, Wine Marketing, Vineyard Variability, and my two Italian courses, I have a LOT to learn. So I will be spending plenty of time at the library! I can tell my brain is tired because while I was talking to my Italian Mom/Café owner the other day, I realized halfway through a sentence that I was speaking about 1/3 French, 1/3 Spanish, and 1/3 Italian. At least I didn’t toss in any high school Chinese, I guess? Oops.
I went to Mass for the first time in my life last week, and it was on The Song of the Vineyard (Isaiah 5:1-7 and Matthew 21:33-43). How fitting, considering I am here to study vines. My friend Cristina took me to a beautiful Catholic church and graciously translated for me, then we madelunch and she took a nap on my couch. She told me “Your home feels like peace” and I almost cried at the compliment. As someone who loves hospitality, that’s the dream.
On Friday I woke up to what I feared was a heard of rats running across my floor. Turns out it was an earthquake! We had three small earthquakes that morning. Better than rats!
I’m sick. I spent this weekend curled up watching Pride and Prejudice and Harry Potter, re-reading comfort books, and drinking absurd amounts of tea. When my mom called today my voice was a bit shot, and I realized I haven’t spoken, or left my apartment, in about 60 hours. But resting was much needed after the past few weeks! And I feel so grateful for the friends that are my family over here. Every girl in my program, and my Italian mom, has been checking in to see if I need anything. I love them!
Busy week ahead! My friend Rebecca is flying in to come stay with me for a few weeks and I am so excited. We have a few little trips planned, and I can’t wait to see a familiar face and do some exploring.