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Peace & Thanksgiving

November 19, 2023

I was on the phone with my grandma yesterday, and she said she’s been praying peace and thankfulness over me. Little did she know those are the two words that I’ve been meditating on this past week.

My life is good... really good (- Nacho Libre). In fact, I’m a little embarrassed about how often I find myself obsessing over my camera roll from the past few months. I’m just blown away by the life I’m getting to live. The things I’ve been able to see and do this past year are more than I could’ve asked or imagined. And yet, thankfulness isn’t a reflex. I’m always thinking about what’s next. I’ve spent a lot of time worrying lately—about the wars being waged around the world, about my friends who are going through tough times, about myself.

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I spent Friday afternoon writing down a list of things I am thankful for. I filled a whole page in mere minutes, then it hit me how odd it is that those good things on my list are not the things on the forefront of my mind. How are we supposed to have peace when we are worried about everything we don’t have, everything that could be better, everything going on around us?

In Matthew 14 Jesus walks on water. When Peter sees Him, he says, “Lord, if it is You, demand me to walk on the water”, then Jesus replies, “Come”. When Peter steps out of the boat, he starts off strong. He’s walking in faith. His eyes are fixed on the Prince of Peace before him.

Peter didn’t begin to sink until he started focusing on the wind instead of One who controlled it.

Aren’t we the same way? We feel called to go somewhere or do something, and we step into it confidently, only to be shaken at the first trial. We start focusing on things that are out of control instead of keeping our eyes fixed on the good right in front of us. But we should seek peace and pursue it! 

A little nerdy fun fact I came across this week: Peace comes from the Latin word pax, which used to be a greeting in the Roman Catholic Church during Eucharist: a celebration of communion, and the Greek word for Thanksgiving. Peace and Thanksgiving go hand in hand. They have forever. If we focus on the things we are thankful for, we will be filled with more peace. Also, if we do things that bring us peace, we will become more thankful!

I’m a big believer in doing something childishly fun and wholly unproductive for at least thirty minutes every day. It’s a good way to spark joy and peace. This weekend I was sick and a bit stressed, so I spent each afternoon painting. It’s such a peaceful process, and I love watching as the canvas goes from a blank slate to an idea to an ugly in between then finally to the finished work. Kind of like life, there’s beauty in each part of it—even when things get worse before they get better.

This Thanksgiving week, I hope this week you make the time to do something that brings you peace. I hope you can take a few minutes to write down whatever you are thankful for. Whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy in your life. Life is so much sweeter with a posture of thankfulness.

God is the Prince of Peace. He wants us to live fully. He delights in giving us the desires of our heart. He gives me what I need instead of what I want. And for that I am so thankful! When my eyes are focused on Him and His goodness, peace feels easy. And what does He ask in return? To love Him and the people around me, to live in peace, and to give thanks in all circumstances. Yay for giving thanks and reveiving peace!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!



Ephesians 3:20 | Psalm 34:14 | Philippians 4:8 | Matthew 22:37-39 | Romans 12:18 | 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18             


1 Comment

Nov 21, 2023

Annika, that was a wonderful message, Peace and Thanksgiving To you and your Italian friends and family, Thankyou,

Carol Krause


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